Hey everyone, I sort of have some news.
So, due to some difficulty with its writing, plotline, and overall story, I'm currently discontinuing the Illusory/Minutiae series. I've just had so much trouble with keeping the story rolling and keeping it interesting that I just decided to drop it as a whole, though I hate to leave you all on the current note it's on right now. Maybe someday I can give you all a suitable conclusion chapter, but today is not the day. Not to mention, I'll keep the story up just so it's archived...
I do plan to bring back some of the characters within it in whatever story I decide to make next, as they're too good to let go, but I'm sorry if this makes anyone upset. I just couldn't keep working on something I couldn't keep interesting in between the action. Not to mention I just didn't have the passion.
Sorry again and thank you all for supporting Illusory/Minutiae during its run. You all are the best.