
          	hi guys !! this is crucial to read if you are finished or currently reading METANOIA. 
          	i have been doing some thinking and in order to boost engagement on METANOIA , i have decided to rewrite the book. i know its not even finished yet but i am truly not satisfied about how it looks right now and it is now under construction due to that.
          	there are some parts that will still be the same but majority of it will be redone - i hope everyone can understand that. its for the best :D
          	happy reading, mwah !! 


          hi guys !! this is crucial to read if you are finished or currently reading METANOIA. 
          i have been doing some thinking and in order to boost engagement on METANOIA , i have decided to rewrite the book. i know its not even finished yet but i am truly not satisfied about how it looks right now and it is now under construction due to that.
          there are some parts that will still be the same but majority of it will be redone - i hope everyone can understand that. its for the best :D
          happy reading, mwah !! 


metanoia update?


hihi !! i am planning to update but i have not gathered any ideas or motivation but promise pinky that its coming soon! now that i know that atleast one person is interested in the story and would like to see more, i’ll genuinely start trying harder!! thank you for the read , mwah :)


hello everyone, update time!! I've sorted it out through book so it's slightly easier :D
          METANOIA :
          • the book i'd say is doing pretty good, when it comes to updating i'm already seeing myself starting to become inconsistent but i will push through!!
          • over 400 reads already is insane! thank you so much for the support. it's greatly appreciated, please do not hesitate to let me know what you would like to see happen further.
          • leave comments - feedback, constructive criticism, anything!! i wanna see how you guys are feeling when you read my books !!
          • to start this off, the support i've received on this book is crazy!! almost 70k reads and it's continuously gaining good ranks so thank you :)
          • if time comes and i do get to 100k reads then i'll rewrite the book. you guys deserve better than what it is now - not that it's terrible.. but definitely not my best work.
          • i have barely anything to say about this book but it ended very abruptly. i have a feeling i'll pick this back up again (i miss my characters)
          • if it be so and i somehow regain motivation for that book then maybe you'll get a surprise chapter :)
          • until then, if you haven't checked out my other books then you should!! (just to pass the time )
          that's all for now, thanks for reading my books !! don't be a silent reader - happy reading, mwah !!


sooo many things to celebrate rn !!? 
          REDAMANCY getting 65k reads hello?!? i literally love u guys and MELANOIA ( a kamala harris fanfic ) just now being released! 
          please go give it the same amount of love as you do REDAMANCY , maybe more ;). you guys are awesome , luv ya. happy reading, mwah !!