
Life After Death is ranked #285 in the hashtag #lifeafterdeath. I know this isn't a big milestone or a big accomplishment but it makes me wonder how far it'll go.


Life After death will be updated soon. It's gong to be a slow updated/written book because I want to make sure this book is just right. Not exactly perfect because I know nothing is perfect. It's probably going to be slowly written/update for a while unless I know what to write and when or if I have prewritten chapters. Either way to whomever is reading this, if you read Life After Death, I hope you enjoy the story


Hey everybody! Bri here! So, funny story, I might have a story idea! But I need your guys' help on how I should write it. Let me give you a little about it: It will be about Sam and Colby (I need your help on if it should be #solby or not). it is Fan Fiction. And that's really all I got
          Bri out! 
          Remember give me ideas by commenting them! 


@CambriaHoward2  You'll have to follow a lot of people before posting on here, or start writing first and get noticed...that'
            s how i got my followers