Heey guys we have an announcement to make. Me and savie have not been pleased with our story, like i mean that we're not sure where its going etc. Basically to put it short... Yh we're putting it on hold. Well i hope you guys had a good day by- *gets smack behind the head* OW!? what was that for twin!? :( Savi: Oi dont you ditch me now tell our fans what they need to hear! Pearli: or what!? *savie cracks knuckles* Pearli EEEP *turns to our fans smiling* As i was saying Savi and i have made a decision to stop the story and try out a new one BUT! I'm afraid we've decided not to do another one till Savi has finished like one or two of her stories cus that way there will be less stuff to do. Hopefully you guys will stick with us to see what story we have next PLZ DNT LEAVE! Go check out Savi's stories guys her acc is Aphrodite041 they're pretty kool. ;)