Congrats to everyone who made it to round two of ONC! I have to say, I'm shocked that Encore made it, but at the same time, I'm so excited to have qualified! I think this is my third year participating in ONC, and I've never gotten very far with my idea, but this time, I feel like I have a clear vision of where I want to go. Now I just need to make it to 8,000 words within the next week!
I added a special update to Encore to celebrate, so feel free to check it out! And I know it's been awhile since I've put out content, but I promise I'll have a new chapter out soon. Life has gotten in the way of writing, as it tends to do, and I've been struggling to find the time and motivation, though I'm hopeful that things are beginning to look up! I also promise to get caught up on everyone else's stories, because I know I'm embarrassingly behind on those.
Oh, and while we're at it, I published three new poems in my new poetry collection, Pandora's Box! In case you haven't heard, earlier this month I started trying my hand at poetry, which is usually pretty far out of my comfort zone. If you love that sort of thing, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
In the meantime, happy writing!!