
—>  @Zaneisherehoe 
          you  are  a  grown  man!   that’s  the  problem  here,   roger!   grown  men  don’t  go  around  beating  people!   [   he  said,   a  sigh  following  his  angry  words  as  he  seemed  to  calm  down  a  bit.   ]   whatever,   let’s  just  go  home.   the  deed’s  already  been  done,   no  use  in  yelling  at  you  for  it.   just—  don’t  scare  me  like  that  again.   especially  when  it  comes  to  max  and  her  safety.   okay?


—>  @Zaneisherehoe 
          just gonna assume they were at max’s school :,)  /
          steve  couldn’t  help  his  upset  face  as  he  pulled  into  the  school’s  parking  lot.   he  carefully  parked  his  car,   stepping  out  of  it  quickly  toward  roger’s  car.   
          “  what  the   /hell/   were  you  thinking?!   is  max  okay?   you  cannot  keep  doing  this!  ”   he  yelled,   both  worried  and   /very/   upset.   mostly  with  roger,   but  also  with  whoever  was  messing  with  max.   he  wouldn’t  ever  admit  it  out  loud,   but  he  really  couldn’t  blame  the  other  boy  for  doing  what  he  did.


—>  @Zaneisherehoe 
          [   steve  frowned  when  there  was  no  response  to  his  messages   ,   beginning  to  look  around  for  his  car  keys  until  he  saw  a  message  pop  up   .   he  sighed   ,   starting  to  reply  to  max   .   ]
          ‘  oh my god.  please don’t let him do anything stupid, seriously, i’ll be there in like three minutes.  okay?  ’   he  texted  quickly   ,   shoving  his  phone  away  in  his  pocket  as  he  sprinted  to  his  car   .


—>  @Zaneisherehoe 
          [   steve  waited  for  a  response  from  roger   ,   leaving  the  message  app  open  on  his  phone  as  he  focused  on  the  screen   .   ]   sweet  jesus   .   [   he  muttered   ,   beginning  to  type  something  up  in  attempt  to  put  a  stop  to  whatever  roger  had  been  planning  to  do   .   ]
          ‘  roger.  
          roger i swear answer your phone!!  
          you are not beating this guy up, whoever he is.  i will go over there and physically hold you back.  ’


—>  @Zaneisherehoe 
          [   feeling  the  buzzing  notification  from  his  phone   ,   steve  pulled  it  out  from  his  pocket  to  see  the  text  from  roger   .   he  squinted  as  he  read  the  text   ,   realizing  what  the  other  meant  by  “  talk  ”  to  max ’ s  teacher  and  began  to  reply   .   ]
          ‘  please don’t tell me you’re gonna beat him up.  i really don’t want you coming home with twenty different bruises again  ’