
hey guys. I know not many people have read it so far, but an update on the where they meet series; I have the next book completely written, and im currently writing the third. Its gonna be WAY harder, because 1) its starting with heroes of olympus, and they're way longer than the pjo books 2) the pronouns are 3rd person, and my fics are 1st person, so ill have to switch those 3) there are plenty of different things going on, so I have to pick amd choose where my main characters will be. So what im basically asking is that not now, but in the future, please have patience for the fanfics, cause theyll be a lost harder to write. The HoO series will be switching POV's from Callisto, the new character, and Ophelia. 


Hellooo person! Sorry for disturbing your wonderful day but I would appreciate it if you checked out my Leo Valdez fanfiction? I'm new to all of this and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinion! I'll do the same for your books xx 


hey guys. I know not many people have read it so far, but an update on the where they meet series; I have the next book completely written, and im currently writing the third. Its gonna be WAY harder, because 1) its starting with heroes of olympus, and they're way longer than the pjo books 2) the pronouns are 3rd person, and my fics are 1st person, so ill have to switch those 3) there are plenty of different things going on, so I have to pick amd choose where my main characters will be. So what im basically asking is that not now, but in the future, please have patience for the fanfics, cause theyll be a lost harder to write. The HoO series will be switching POV's from Callisto, the new character, and Ophelia. 


hey, so to anyone that might be intested, I just uploaded my percy jackson fanfiction, "where the sky meets the sea". it takes place in botl, and I worked really hard on it so if you could check that out :) the first two chapters are up, and its part of a series


hi guys I'm sorta obsessed with Percy Jackson so ANYBODY GOT ANY GPOD FAMFOC RECOMMENDATIONS? (Preferably something taking place BEFORE heroes of Olympus, I'm barely in the last Olympian but I started reading like a week ago. )


@pervvyjackson sorry for replying so laye! If you still want to do that, its fine. Im always opem to help :)


@pervvyjackson Oops sorry a bit late. But if you need HOO fanfics, i have a ton of those. So yeah i can send them to you over messaging if you'd like. If not, sorry to impose :)


@WritersLife0818 thankyou! Ive been needing fanfics. (Even tho by now im already in the House of Hades) but this helped out alot !


I know i mostly write fanfics but I have an idea for a book - Well a continuation. I just finished reading all four books in The Lunar Chronicles -- ligitly like 5 minutes ago I finished Winter --- and I have am amazing idea for a continuation. Would anyone be intrested in even reading that ?  

