
Hello to the three people who are reading my fever-dream of a short story "Zindan Central Cemetery". After some delay, I have finished the story and I've started publishing the remaining parts. 
          	And for those of you who have yet to read "Zindan," let me tempt you with this: I guarantee it'll be the weirdest short story you've read so far this year. Prove me wrong!


Hello to the three people who are reading my fever-dream of a short story "Zindan Central Cemetery". After some delay, I have finished the story and I've started publishing the remaining parts. 
          And for those of you who have yet to read "Zindan," let me tempt you with this: I guarantee it'll be the weirdest short story you've read so far this year. Prove me wrong!


Terrible news: you've been lied to! After conducting an in-depth investigation, I have to conclude that Cookie Monster, the blue, furry, googly-eyed children's show character is not really a monster. He's just not scary or dangerous enough.
          So I decided to do something about it. I have upgraded Cookie Monster to full monster status - he's now terrifying, dangerous, and even more fixated on cookies! If you're curious and brave enough to see what Cookie Monster 2.0 is like, please check out my new story: Blue Monster Brand Cookies:



I am going to invent a new kind of monster. 
          Monsters are the most important idea humanity has ever had. Agriculture. Money. Government. Medicine. Science. Those are all nice, I guess. But seriously, Monsters.
          I'm super-excited to announce the launch of my blog: A New Kind of Monster. This blog will be the laboratory notes of my fiendish project to invent a new kind of monster. I'm going to collect data, use machine learning algorithms to analyze it, and use the results to create new and terrifying monster tales! Come join me! 


Just wanted to let you know that I finally put all three parts of the Pass Runner story on my creepypasta channel. I really hope to do more narration for you soon. 
          Pass Runner - Complete Story - Creepypasta:


@TruPasta I listened to all three and I LOVE THEM! Great narrations. I've advertised them on my social media, so hopefully that'll bring the view count up a little


If at all possible, give it a listen and let me know if there is anything I can improve on for future narrations, or if you just love my work as is! I just got a new microphone so the voice quality should be significantly better in future videos. Hopefully I can still mask a bit of my speech impediment though lol.


As possessions go, a hundred-kilogram metal cylinder is not a great one to be burdened with. Yes, obviously the trillion-or-so-dollars of mineral wealth inside formed a big check in the “pro” column of traveling with an impossibly heavy metal object. But there are plenty of negatives. 
          Read about the worst piece of luggage ever - in Chapter 21 of Contingency Plan


His red yoga pants and blue flip-flops clashed with the black Kevlar vest he had inexplicably donned. His yoga mat was slung over his back like a rifle.
          Does this sound like a man you would want as your lifelong enemy? Chapter 20 of Contingency Plan is published. The chapter of .... BETRAYAL!


Hello there. I am currently starting a small Creepypasta and short horror story reading YouTube channel and I was wondering If I could do a video on your story "If your armed and at the Glenmont Metro, please shoot me."


@FallenAngelZodiac - yes you have permission to narrate "Glenomont" on your channel. Please send me a link to your channel so I can enter it into my database of channels that have permission.


Throughout Indonesia, approximately fifty million people were unable to view the national badminton semi-finals because I needed to make a long-distance phone call to a 405 East 42nd Street in New York City – the headquarters of the United Nations.
          Flashback! To the day of the largest non-nuclear explosion in history. Chapter 19 of Contingency Plan has exploded onto Wattpad!


The internal monolouges of Contingency Plan are honestly my favorite part about it: the way you write Stephen makes him the best parts of Roman Torchwick, Sherlock Holmes, and Jack Sparrow, while wrapped in an irresistible charisma. He's already one of my favorite villian-protaganists and I haven't even finished reading!
          Keep up the good work!