
Just a reminder that Sweeter and Cancer will be coming down tonight. If you’re still reading, you have until then to finish them. Thank you for supporting them while they were up and for nurturing my love of writing for so many years. xo-Mems


@petewentzisdead I have a question. is there a way I can still read cancer? I was looking through my list cause I haven't read it in a long time and loved the plot. I know you no longer support them  but that story got me through hard times. if not it's ok but thought I would try


Just a reminder that Sweeter and Cancer will be coming down tonight. If you’re still reading, you have until then to finish them. Thank you for supporting them while they were up and for nurturing my love of writing for so many years. xo-Mems


@petewentzisdead I have a question. is there a way I can still read cancer? I was looking through my list cause I haven't read it in a long time and loved the plot. I know you no longer support them  but that story got me through hard times. if not it's ok but thought I would try


Hey guys,
          I apologize for not giving a warning with other stories, so I’ll be giving a warning with these last two. Due to my withdrawal of support for Twenty One Pilots in recent months, the remaining fics on this account (Cancer and Sweeter) will be coming down in two days. I hope that gives enough time for anyone who wants to finish reading the stories or reread them one last time to do so. These stories are too in character for me to justify them being edited into original fiction or interpreted as such in the future, so I don’t want them to be up anymore. I am still undecided about what I’ll do with the stories on my other account, but I will try to give warnings before making any big changes. I appreciate the love and support you’ve shown me and my writing over the years, and I love you all very much. I don’t give anyone permission to copy or post any of my existing or unpublished books anywhere else under my name or anyone else’s. xo-Mems


wowwwwwwwwww. yeah that platform tweet tyler did was super shitty and the way he dealt with the backlash was absolutely terrible. thanks for taking the time to explain. and also thank u for holding them accountable ❤️ it really really sucks tho bc i love their music and it’s helped me through hard times, but i’m also literally mixed so idk how to feel. they’ve just put all their fans in uncomfortable positions :( 


@WeirdoX0X I am very disappointed in Tyler and Josh and how carelessly they handled the platform tweet situation. Regardless of the intent behind the original post, they never genuinely owned up to the harm that was caused by Tyler’s posts, and it took A MONTH for Tyler to even take them down without a sincere apology. Their lack of active support for their Black, queer, and otherwise marginalized fans (especially after fans have begged them to use their platforms for something beyond increasing their own personal wealth and only promoting causes they can personally relate to) has become a pattern that makes me distrust their character. I personally try not to support celebrities who abuse their power, and I’m not going to give money or clout to someone who’s causing pain and suffering to others without even trying to take accountability or educate themselves about the experiences of people who are less privileged than they are. People are dying every day because of the bodies they were born in, who they love, their lack of access to food and shelter, and so many other things that Tyler and Josh could absolutely speak about without even having to step out from underneath the umbrella of mental health education. They just choose not to. You’re welcome to disagree, and I’m not going to argue with anyone, but I personally am not going to keep contributing to their fandom when this is how they choose to utilize the platform we gave them.


why don’t u support them anymore ? just wondering 


I love your stories and I hope everything is okay and that you’re getting better! I know how it feels to have really bad mental health. I always thought that writing stories even if it was only for myself or even for others always helped me even if they weren’t the happiest of stories. 


Please do not message me or write on the message board of my other account regarding issues you have with the stories on this account. This account is no longer in use, and I do not have estimations as to when stories will be brought back or taken down. I’m just trying to look out for my own mental health. Please respect that. 


It’s good to focus on yourself, ignore the the people who disrespect your wishes because they’re either ignorant or selfish to wanna stop your health’s progression ❤️


@petewentzisdead I hope everything is ok, and you're doing well. I just want to say, please don't take down any of your works because you are such a talented writer, and you wrote my favorite book on here. Even if you don't see this, I want to thank you