
Hi everyone! I want to update more and write more this year as a way to help my 2020 so hopefully I will be updating all my stories. If any of you guys have any ideas or anything you'd like to see in any stories let me know, I'm open to any ideas! I'm also down to do any collabs if anyone wants to write something together then feel free to hit me up. I hope you all had a great new years and hopefully I'll be updating soon!


Hi everyone! I want to update more and write more this year as a way to help my 2020 so hopefully I will be updating all my stories. If any of you guys have any ideas or anything you'd like to see in any stories let me know, I'm open to any ideas! I'm also down to do any collabs if anyone wants to write something together then feel free to hit me up. I hope you all had a great new years and hopefully I'll be updating soon!


Hey readers! Sorry I haven't been posting (again)! I've been trying to get back into the swing of things at school and its been crazy busy! I've had to get ready for the ACT, Solo and Ensemble, planning trips for band, getting the end of year banquet ready and such but hopefully most of that will have blown over and hopefully I'll have my computer soon so I can update more. But I'd love to hear what stories you want updated, what you'd like to see happen, any recommendations, comments, or questions are welcome too. I would love to hear from you guys! Just let me know!


Hey you guys! Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been having serious writing block plus it's been a process to get on the computer where I write the stories. Anyway, I'd love to update more so if you have any ideas of what to do with any of my stories, things to put in, scenes, plots, comments, questions, whatever, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!