
          	I want to thank all you loyal, patient readers who are probablly wondering if I dropped off the face of the earth.. Well I did, for a little while..but I am back now! (insert happy applause and dancing)
          	So here's whats up:
          	1. Life is a lie is on hiatus for several reasons.
          	 I don't have all the work for it since its still on my old laptop. It also needs to be edited. Badly. And it really just comes down to laziness, and lack of interest. I'm hoping I will finish it, since its one of my first major works, but at this point in time, I can't finish it
          	2.  This Love, This hate will be continued!
          	 I'm just goin to edit at a bit, hopefully I'll have the next chapter up within a week, but I have 2 big papers due wed & thurs so that might set me back a bit.
          	But I would just like to know what you want to see more of, and what you didn't like, so if you can leave me some comments with your thoughts, that would be really helpful! (:   
          	**** To RiOtYy: Yes I did know it was a Hollywood Undead Song. It was one of my favorite songs at the time I was trying to come up with a name, and I finally decided that the title fit with the story. No coryright intended, I just couldnt come up with anything creative.


          I want to thank all you loyal, patient readers who are probablly wondering if I dropped off the face of the earth.. Well I did, for a little while..but I am back now! (insert happy applause and dancing)
          So here's whats up:
          1. Life is a lie is on hiatus for several reasons.
           I don't have all the work for it since its still on my old laptop. It also needs to be edited. Badly. And it really just comes down to laziness, and lack of interest. I'm hoping I will finish it, since its one of my first major works, but at this point in time, I can't finish it
          2.  This Love, This hate will be continued!
           I'm just goin to edit at a bit, hopefully I'll have the next chapter up within a week, but I have 2 big papers due wed & thurs so that might set me back a bit.
          But I would just like to know what you want to see more of, and what you didn't like, so if you can leave me some comments with your thoughts, that would be really helpful! (:   
          **** To RiOtYy: Yes I did know it was a Hollywood Undead Song. It was one of my favorite songs at the time I was trying to come up with a name, and I finally decided that the title fit with the story. No coryright intended, I just couldnt come up with anything creative.


Posted a new story :This Love, This Hate.
          I'd really appreaciate if you guys let me know what you think.
          And the next time I talk to my gma I'll ask her how project: fix laptop is going
          and then I'll have a better idea  of when I'll start working on project: revise " is a lie"
          Love you guys & your patience <3


@ashleyy_: Aww, I'm sorry. But I think I might continue it after I get a new battery for my laptop, but Idk if that will actually fix the prob...stupid thing.
          Anyways, I might be uploading a new story to tide you guys over, and I'll try to make hose chapters long as well, but I still need to get some direction for this new story. I'll post more bout it soon.


Ok so it's been a while. I just wanna give you guys an update on what's going on. I can't continue my story, or atleast not now. My laptop is broken, and I'm stuck on a chapeter, and I try to sit myself down and write it, but I struggle.
          BUT, I might be writing a new story and posting it on here, but I'm still trying to get an outline of it, and I don't have a title. i'll post more about it in a day or two.