
The Book "The Writing of Little Miss Imperfection" will start being updated again starting Saturday April 8th! 
          	Please check it out if you have not. 


Hello all of our lovely followers! There is currently a new story up called The Writing of Little Miss Imperfection. We are updating every Saturday. If you like to laugh and want to follow a young girl's journey on finding herself with her amazing friends at her side, than this would be for you. 
          This is no cliche story. It's unique and different with twists and turns along the way. 
          Please check it out and comment any suggestions or what you think of the book so far. 
          That you!!!


Hi. We've created a Tumblr page. There we will make short stories and give sneak peaks of up coming chapters of current problems. 
          If you would like to follow us our username is: Peyton-Stacy
          And if you reply here with your username we will be sure to follow you back.