
Just in case you don't read the comments on your stories, but I really need to tell you...
          - The Street Performer
          "Let me just tell how amazingly beautiful your style of writing is and how well planed and extraordinary that plot is because you really really deserve positive feedback after such an emotional and meaningful story because even though it was short, it was so so utterly sweet and the reader was pulled into it and fearing and loving everything about it so please please write more like this :3"


I actually love you so much X you don't understand what these kind of comments mean to me. I get excited when someone comments "cute" or something on my stories so you can imagine how much I loved reading your comment! 
            I read every comment left on my stories because they make me smile :) and yours continued to make me smile throughout the day whenever I thought about it. Thank you. 
            I'd love to keep writing stories like this in the future but I've got 3 on the go right now and I'm piss poor at updating so it may be a long time before another  but you've inspired me to write more. 