Hey guys I'm really sorry I can't update imperfections...my computer broke a little while ago and I Have not gotten a new one. Once I do I plan to write chapter 7! Never forget I have big plans for this story!!!
Hey guys I'm really sorry I can't update imperfections...my computer broke a little while ago and I Have not gotten a new one. Once I do I plan to write chapter 7! Never forget I have big plans for this story!!!
Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile! School has been pretty difficult at the moment! I hope to be getting back into the swing of things this weekend or so. Stay tuned for new Imperfections chapter!
Hello everyone! I'm probably not going to be able to type and publish any Phanfic for a bit due to homework and the fact I'm in a foreign country currently. I love you all and trust you to stay tuned with high hopes for the time being until another chapter of imperfections is released! Bless bless!