
I'm sorry I haven't updated yet. I know I said I would but I'm just very stuck in my writing. I don't know where to take "Broken Crayons Still Color" anymore. I think I know how I want it to end, but I honestly don't know. I'll try to think of something to right for tomorrow. I feel like I'm letting you guys down and I probably am. You can unfollow and stop reading my stories of you want.


Thank you so much.


@phandom_phan_123 its fine I understand it can be hard to write with a "writers block"(trust me I always get writers block in the middle/near end of writing)


I'm sorry I haven't updated yet. I know I said I would but I'm just very stuck in my writing. I don't know where to take "Broken Crayons Still Color" anymore. I think I know how I want it to end, but I honestly don't know. I'll try to think of something to right for tomorrow. I feel like I'm letting you guys down and I probably am. You can unfollow and stop reading my stories of you want.


Thank you so much.


@phandom_phan_123 its fine I understand it can be hard to write with a "writers block"(trust me I always get writers block in the middle/near end of writing)


I'm sorry I haven't been updating any stories. I'm on vacation and I won't get back until late Wednesday night. I'll probably update "Broken Crayons Still Color" first. I'm really sorry guys.


@phandom_phan_123 That is okay I hope you are enjoying yourself where ever you are on vacation!