Hello! I dont know if you are still using this currently, but if you are, i just wanted to say that you were the reason i got wattpad and ive grown to love it. You were also the reason i got into dan and phil, thanks for that, they are my life. I also really love your phanfics! They are amazing, youve made me cry, youve made me smile, giggle, internally die, and be on the edge of the world waiting to see what would happen in AV, etc. and i love it! Thank you so much! I basically owe you a lot of thanks because you were the one and only reason i am where i am today, writing phanfics and obsessing over dan and phil. Ive heard that you dont watch them anymore? Well, they are amazing and i understand the reason you gave for not wanting to watch them anymore, but either way i will always be thankful to you *v*! Ilusm, ~Leia