
Hello lovelies! I just wanted to let you all know I posted a new book, so please check it out!! Thanks so much!! Peace✌️


Hi phantom_girl26, 
          My name is I-Yana and I am currently the Talent Specialist here at Wattpad and I have some exciting news regarding a possible opportunity.
          Please feel free to contact me directly.
          I-Yana Tucker
          Talent Specialist, Wattpad Studios


I guys..
          It's still Brooke.
          @phantom_girl26 was hacked, and I can't get back in. So, I made this account. I'm really bummed about all my books. 
          I think I'm going to pick up where I left off on Forbidden Love, and make a sequel, because I'm really obsessed with the characters. 
          I'll post the title later. 
          Thanks guys, peace✌️


Hello lovelies! I just wanted to let you all know I posted a new book, so please check it out!! Thanks so much!! Peace✌️


@phantom_girl26 Hey there, my name is I-Yana and Im the Talent Specialist for Wattpad Studios. I have an exciting opportunity for you! Please check your email &/or you INBOX for more details :)


Hai everyone!! Wazzup?? Nothin much here. I just wanted to thank you guys SO MUCH for all the support you've all shown me through this all!! You're all the best. Ever. I couldn't ask for more. Yep. That's it. Love you all!! Peace✌️


Hey guys!! Just posted a new book, "Let the Adventure Begin"! It's a viner fanfic, so enjoy!! Thanks guys for all you do, and please like/vote/comment on this book once I have the first chapter up, which I promise with be soon. Also, I'd like to let everyone know that I am starting a new system to tell if people want me to continue a book. If you are enjoying a book and want me to update, comment on the most recently posted chapter, telling me to continue. If I get at least ten comments on the chapter, I will continue. If not, I will stop updating and try with another book. Thanks again, guys!! 