
I Think Moths are adorable floofy babies that deserve more love than butterflies. 
          	just kidding 
          	i think they all should be loved equally


@phantomfanreturns  Guessing your a Mothra fan too, huh?


I feeling very sad and upset right now!!!!


@venusaura i made the book so no one has to use any dice or skills its just roleplaying, like the same way we used to but this time its only in a different world. 
            but i understand if you don't want to try


Wanna rp?


@venusaura sure is it okay if we do it in your book?


i don't feel very fantastic right now... so much drama going on in the internet. Even though all of it luckily has nothing to do with yours truly, by just being a spectator to watch all of it unfold in front of my eyes and feeling powerless is enough to take a toll on me.   It's very funny how things like this spread so quickly, its almost jarring enough to make you sick. i'm so sorry to everyone, i think this week i shall be up and running again. i hope.... maybe? i don't know yet. 
          Moral of the day: 
          I guess all i'm trying to say to every one is be careful out there and be aware of what your doing? Because there are a lot of nasties out there and i want everyone to stay safe and get help.


thank you for checking up on me i really appreciate it.


Painting minatures is an expensive hobby and is not for the weakest of pockets... i just bought eight little bottles of vallejo paints. Total came up around to fifty us dollars along with some plastic glue. add that along with my new twenty dollar  Jarlaxle Baenre mini that i got from philadelphia con and the Nolzur's Marvelous brush set fourteen dollars .... i came to the conclusion i spent.......
          A butt load of moolah, Im so glad that i don't wanna play war hammer 40k. 
          moral of the day: don't play dungeons and dragons... it will take over your life


Phantom fan's fun facts of the day!!!!
          1* tomorrow is national unicorn day!!!!
          2* Scotland's national animal is the unicorn!
          3* this week i have park testings!!!
          4* i may or may not be working on a short yokai watch Au that is based on My favorite Musical the great comet of 1812, featuring my favorite characters and a few oc's...