
Hello everyone! Just a small update, the google account that I was using for my stories is no long active so I have lost everything on there! But thank god for them being on here! Also I have just finished my last semester classes  and will be entering student teaching in the fall. I will try to update but please understand that all my time and effort goes into being a teacher first. 
          	~Sabrina ❤️


Hello everyone! Just a small update, the google account that I was using for my stories is no long active so I have lost everything on there! But thank god for them being on here! Also I have just finished my last semester classes  and will be entering student teaching in the fall. I will try to update but please understand that all my time and effort goes into being a teacher first. 
          ~Sabrina ❤️


Hello! I know that I have been missing for some time. I have just entered my senior year of college for elementary education! I am okay and nothing has happened to me. I will have to look at my current books and see what I can do with my current schedule. I am sorry that I have been gone for three years and I promise I will I’ll make it up to you all soon. 
          ~Sabrina ❤️


@phantomgirl3 Glad to see you're okay.


Understandable school come first. Glad all is going well