
so...i'm back again lmao and revamping all of these fanfics into fiction. this is gonna take me some time so please bear with me! also, JAD  has a new cover since it will no longer be centered around harry styles. because of how they were originally written, there is definitely going to be a lot of changes in terms of length of the stories and things that happen. i'll of course update when everything is done! 


so...i'm back again lmao and revamping all of these fanfics into fiction. this is gonna take me some time so please bear with me! also, JAD  has a new cover since it will no longer be centered around harry styles. because of how they were originally written, there is definitely going to be a lot of changes in terms of length of the stories and things that happen. i'll of course update when everything is done! 


Hey y'all,
          I'm finally back to writing, sorry I'm the literal worst. Anyway, I changed the name of the Niall fanfic AGAIN bc I think it'll fit better and also, that song off Niall's album is one of my faves. Also I made new covers because I'm so indecisive. Working on Chapter 10 of Mirrors right now!


hey everyone 
          so I redid the DWM cover because I wasn't totally happy with it and now i like it so much more. Also, It All Comes Back has been renamed to Misguided Ghosts (MG) and Searching for Myself has been renamed to More to You (MTY) i think the name change is much better for each of them and the content, and also they have new and improved covers! I'm working on the next chapter of MG so you'll be notified when that's done!


hey dolls! 
          DWM is finally finished being edited! I also went back to LOTP and redid some of the plot. Nothing major, but four months just seemed awfully short for that whole storyline so I just lengthened everything out which changed a bit. So now those are both done and DWM has a new cover, with Liam looking like a snack. Now I'll be continuing IACB and once that's done I'll be doing SFM. 


Again, I don't know if y'all are getting updated, but I have completely finished editing LOTP and made a snazzy new cover! I am now editing DWM and then I'll start editing IACB (which honestly, I might change the name of but I'm not sure yet) and SFM. LNSVNH is definitely going to get a new name, and there's going to be a looooot of editing going into that one because I'm just so unhappy with it, but I love the plot so much I can't get rid of it. Hopefully you're all rereading JAD and LOTP, I can't wait to really complete this journey and then continue with new writing! 


hey y'all!
          i don't know if you've been getting updates, I almost hope you haven't because there would have been so many, but I have finished editing TIJAD! Which has also been renamed to "Just a Dream" because TIJAD was just a lot and also "Just a Dream" looks so nice on the BRAND NEW COVER. Yes, there are going to be new covers for my stories as I finish editing them because the old ones that my 14 year old self made were not that great. 
          So I will now begin editing LOTP and DWM before making the new covers and then I'm going to edit and continue SFM, IACB and LNSVNH (which also might get a new name but that's not for sure yet). 
          This is going to take me a while because I'll be back at school tonight since I was on spring break and I'll be heading back to work soon as well. So please bear with me! 
          Please also feel free to reread Just a Dream! Not much has changed, I just cleaned it up, fixed some grammar errors and also fixed some continuity errors. 
          much love xx


hey loves, me again. I've made another decision regarding my series. I'm going to go back & edit TIJAD, LOTP and DWM while I complete and edit IACB, SFM, and LNSVNH because I've been reading through them again and there's some continuity errors as well as some things I just want to rework but the main plot will remain the same. thanks for all your support xx


hey y'all. so i hate leaving things unfinished & it's been really bothering me that i have 3 unfinished fan fictions. so i've made the decision to finish them as they would have been finished. this will take me a good amount of time as i'm a fulltime college student & also work, but eventually, LNSVNH, IACB, & SFM will all be finished. Coffee and Pretty & Reckless are going to be deleted because i don't have the time/inspiration for them. however i do want to get back into writing, so once i finish my 1D fanfics, i want to start other stories on here. so there's a lil update for you all. thanks for still reading, voting, & following me. :) much love x


So over a year after beginning it, I'm finally getting back to "Pretty & Reckless." I'm sorry about the unplanned hiatus, but senior year just kicked my ass. Now I have a lot more time since it's summer, and hopefully I can keep writing. I'm beginning college next month in San Francisco and I've got breaks between most of my classes so I'll have a lot of time for writing. I hope to finish "Pretty and Reckless" possibly by the end of the semester but we'll see. Then I'll turn my attention back to "Coffee" because there is a lot of inspiration for that book. Then I'll start some more projects. Can't wait to continue this journey with you all, no matter how long you've been here (: 
          I also want to ask my followers if you would prefer I finish the unfinished One Direction fan fictions as just that, or if I revamp them and repost them as normal novels? Please respond by replying to this!! 