
Well, Jesse should appreciate it! One taste of those luscious, lovely Leslie lips and he's hooked for life! <3


@phillyboy10 so sorry I replied late! Finals were schist. XD Anyway, my new year has been great so far. My finals for 1st term was finally done, and my 2nd term starts this Tuesday, but let me tell you my first class starts at 7 in the morning. Gonna be plain torture, I know. oTL I hope I'll wing it somehow. XD How about yours?
          I miss talking to you like before, too, but sadly, we're both busy now. :( I know this is selfish of me, but I hate it haha.
          Yeah, I was so happy when I received tons of notifs from you; I missed your long, awesome comments! I'll reply to them later. Aww thanks so much, Philly! <3 LLL and its characters missed you so much, too! Your message really made my early morning haha! I'll start writing chapter 16 soon. :D


Philly! How are you? I hope you're all right. Gosh, I forgot to greet you HNY, so I hope this isn't late--HAPPY NEW YEAR, PHILLY! You are amazing and I hope this year will be a fruitful one for you. Stay safe! And thanks so much for the votes. Mwahugsss! :DD


@chemister : Hi, Chemmy! A HNY to you, too! How has the new year treated you so far? =) I miss talking to you on a regular basis, not to mention reading your great stories and commenting on them as well. I hope to rectify my living situation as well as the internet situation that it's connected to.
            In the meantime, I went to the library yesterday and finally, FINALLY caught up on LLL. I didn't realize how much I'd missed the story and the characters until I got back into it. You do such a great job with these stories and characters making them so involved and intricate and detailed. Well done!
            I'll talk to you again soon, trying to give you regular greetings and updates on how things are going with me. Until then, as usual, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, CHEMMY! <3 <3 <3