
In honor of Pride month (yes I'm like 2 weeks late, sue me) I just added FIVE chapters to Text From a Stranger!! Drama galore. Enjoy!


❤This is an Amazing Author Award!❤
          Your writings are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on!
          Thank you very much for sharing your works!
          Know that there is someone who adores you and your writing from shadow! ^_^
          Send this to 10 friends. Including me - if I'm one of them, that is. Don't break it, spread the LOVE❤!
          Luv your books, btw❤


Added a few more chapters to 'texts from a stranger'. It's a quick (and hopefully engaging) read. Let me know what you think, followers x


@fawncastellan Thank you so much for reading and giving feedback! I was a little worried it would be confusing to switch between POVs, so I'll try to be a little more careful with that in the future. Glad you were able to figure it out though. 
            I've written several more chapters and just need to convert them to 'text format', so will post tomorrow or Wednesday, stay tuned!


Seriously, ur story "addict I've become" has one of the best first chapters in wattpad that I've read in a while! Great job, friend! :)


@maybedreamin Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I was literally just about to go to your profile to thank you for all your in-depth comments and just general excitement about the story! Addict is completely finished on WP, so I hope you get the chance to read the rest if you have time- would love to hear your thoughts! 
            But either way, I really enjoyed reading your feedback and you brought up some great points. Thanks again for reading and voting <3