
but what if ,':/


this message may be offensive
but what if....i change my it  bothers me a lot that here I have this username (yall_new_lover) but every other fanfic site has another username that is only one, idk if Y'all understand what I am saying, so what if I actually change it? i mean, i dont write stories anymore so noone would actually give a shit, I'm not gonna change my pfp tho, i have quite an attachment to my cursed rantaro holding a gvn. hope Y'all have a good day/night/or anything else.
          old user: yall_new_lover
          new user: phobiashots


TW: technoblades death!! to remember a legend!!
          I forgot to post this 2 days ago, I've been struggling w/ technos death a lot (like more people) im very very gratefull for all he has done and the smiles he brought to ppl who where in though times, I am happy that he's not in pain anymore.he was certainly a brother figure/inspiration for a lot of people, he will never die if we keep him alive in our hearts, he will continue to shine like gold in our memories.
          fly high alex.