So a few more things about him and the program:
1. He looks even better in person than in the tv, on the pictures.
2. Those. Legs. And. That. Thigh. And. That. Bum. Usually I’m not looking to a boy’s legs, but oh my gosh. You couldn’t not watch at his. I just can’t get over his thighs. Help me.
3. He was cute. A boy next to me yelled his name, and Max turned to him smiling and giving a thumbs up. Awww.
4. He enjoyed his time there. Or at least he looked like that. Last year he was so bored, and moody, he did the must-done things, and that’s all. It really looked like he wanted to go home. But now he was smiling brightly, chatting away with the staff, and when he came out of the car, he looked like a little kid, who got sweets, a huge grin on his face. He was talkative during the interview to a Hungarian sport channel, and he looked so natural, doing donuts, waving during driving, etc. It was nice to see him like that.
5. Jerome D’Ambrosio was here with a Formula E car too. The voice of it was so funny, ahaha.
6. We did with my friend the pit stop challenge, and we were awful, but it was funny.
7. We also did the reaction challenge, we weren’t that bad in that.
I’m still here fangirling over my day, to be honest, it was amazing. I can’t stop smiling. So thank you so much for reading, if you reached the end, ahaha.
Big hugs,
Ps.: I made a lot of videos and pictures, but I can’t insert them here, but I posted a lot of them on instagram story, so if you want to check them out, dm me here, and I’ll send to you my username. Also I’m not a private account, so you can watch it without following me.