
sooo I’m back after a long hiatus and I think I have an idea for an actual book. I’m pretty freaking excited! One thing is I can’t find a faceclaim for this one character I have in mind... ughhh! Buttttt yeah I’m back and I’m so excited! I hope this book idea really becomes a story! 
          	& I still don’t know why no one can see my bio??? Does anyone know why?


sooo I’m back after a long hiatus and I think I have an idea for an actual book. I’m pretty freaking excited! One thing is I can’t find a faceclaim for this one character I have in mind... ughhh! Buttttt yeah I’m back and I’m so excited! I hope this book idea really becomes a story! 
          & I still don’t know why no one can see my bio??? Does anyone know why?


Hello my lovely followers! I just wanted to let you know that I have recently publish 3 new books! "You know you're a Potterhead when...", "You know your an OUAT fan when...", and "Once Upon a Time Quotes." Please check them out and leave feedback or votes! Thank you all! 


I just want to give an ENORMOUS thank you for everyone helping this account become what is is today! I would be no where with out all of you! Thank you for being so active and leaving comments to brighten up my day! I love each and every one of you and I want you all to know that I am always down to talk! Pick one of my three instagram accounts if you ever want to DM, or you can message me on here! Again thank you all so much for all of the support!