/ OBJECTION ! / * the prosecutor says aloud ,, pale hands slamming onto the podium before him as he shouts at the defense attorney across the room * that question has nothing to do with the matter at hand ! you have no right to question my witness on a personal matter irrelevant to the case — ! * he picks up the files on the desk , his free hand gesturing to the files in his hand * according to these files , she has no connection to th — * his words are covered ,, not by the roar of the jury or the judge's gavel , but by the distant tremor of the courtroom around them. the sound is enough to interrupt the prosecutor's train of thought — & at this point , he doesn't even know if anyone else is speaking , for his own thoughts overpower his surroundings. another tremor follows the one prior , this one much more predominant than the one before. it causes the greynet to place the files down , hands gripping onto the edge of the podium before him. the jury seems to finally notice the tremors , & just as someone speaks on it , another shake occurs. & instead of there being a time of stillness after it , more tremors come — each one after another. the voice of a female jury member cries out , members of the jury going to scramble in their seats. it's probably a mild one — 5.0 at most — so there's no true danger for the people in doors , however , it doesn't matter to him. his body still locks up , nails digging into the podium & eyes squeezing close. his knees are trembling , & he feels like he could fall over. where is gumshoe ? he usually provides reassurance in these times. he's probably holding a witness ,, which is nothing miles can be upset at. but it means he has to go through this alone — ; throat tight , chest heavy , & alone. *

* he doesn't know how long they had sat there before phoenix moved his arms — ,, nor how long miles had sat / in / his arms , but he did .. & perhaps it was due to reason he was nearly in hysterics ,, but he let him do it. they stayed like that for moments more , all until the earthquake had seemingly passed & the ground ceased shaking. there may have been a few aftershocks here & there , but luckily , they were too small to notice. now ,, came the hard part. the hard part of recovering from the incident as if nothing had happened. he heard the defense attorney's question ,, & almost immediately ,, shame & color flooded his face * of course , i'm alright. * he ignored how his words were still softer than usual , & opened his eyes — gaze intentionally avoiding the other * why wouldn't i be ? * he didn't give the ravenet much time to answer , for he was shoving the other's arms away from his frail being , & speaking once more * i don't need your sympathy , wright. nor do i need your reassurance. so , move. * miles ,, quit lying. you do need those .. & the way you're clearly still shaken up from the earthquake is proof of that. he braces a pale hand against the wooden podium , pulling himself up & to his feet ,, trying his best to smooth out the wrinkles in his suit & regain the previous confidence his form had. yet no matter how hard he tries ,, he comes up short * you need to go find ms. fey ,, make sure she's okay. you've wasted too much time here already.

he shakes his head at the sudden intrusive thoughts , leveling out his game plan before inevitably moving an arm over the huddled up male ,, bringing him close enough to the point his other arm reflectively moved around him. phoenix closes his eyes then , mocking the others movements until the floor boards are calm , noting that the earthquake had passed safely. * ,, hey — you alright ?

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@edgeyworth * phoenix never realized how / spacious / the podiums were until he decided to sit under one. with a friend. while an earthquake went on. it seemed that , even with the current circumstances & how serious everything seemed ( especially since edgeworth , one of the most pretentious , stone cold assholes he knows , is currently freaking the fuck out. ) , his brain could still check out far enough to the point where ; his thoughts don’t seem to really / matter. / seriously , phoenix. stop staring at the dented mahogany & focus on your good friend edgeworth. * right , right — ` m sorry .. i just had to snap you out of it ! you didn’t seem like you were ,, in there. * he gestures vaguely to the prosecutors head , gently nudging his crown with his two index fingers , before retracting them to hug at his legs. he could feel the wrinkles of his suit starting to firm up , but , it wasn’t important. at least , not while the building shook. * sorry. * the shakes at this point were nonexistent , but the occasional rumble still accompanied their hushed breaths. why were they whispering ? it’s not like an earthquake could hear them. or more so , judge their conversation. ( it’s not about the earthquake judging you , you idiot. it’s about focusing on calming miles — )