
For anyone reading Face Paint, I kind of wanted to explain a bit about Heeyung, and what I'm trying to achieve with her. Basically, the whole idea is that she's NOT intrinsically good. She's more human than that. She doesn't always know what she should do, and so she does some bad things. That's what real people do. But that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make Heeyung as human as possible, bad decisions and all. There's a reason, I promise. :D


For anyone reading Face Paint, I kind of wanted to explain a bit about Heeyung, and what I'm trying to achieve with her. Basically, the whole idea is that she's NOT intrinsically good. She's more human than that. She doesn't always know what she should do, and so she does some bad things. That's what real people do. But that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make Heeyung as human as possible, bad decisions and all. There's a reason, I promise. :D


Omo! Zhoumi's new solo mv 'Rewind' gave me major feels for 'Finding The Right Words'! Have you seen it yet author-nim? It's amazing! Also made me want to re-read your story. I'm reading 'Face Paint' right now and I love it!


@angienoemy I know, right! I've watched it about a hundred times already, lol. And when I saw that the girl in the video was a blonde woman, I couldn't help but laugh and go "It's Queen Be!" Hahaha. I'm sure someone at SM is just reading my story and getting ideas, hahaha. And I'm really glad you're enjoying "Face Paint"! There isn't much to it right now, but I'll do my best to keep it updated from now on! :D


          I just wanted to tell you that I became your fan through "Finding the right words"!
          I have finished the story in 3 days (And I pulled all-nighter because of it. That's how awesome it is! The characters reqlly grew on my heart. In the beginning it was just excitement because of Mel meeting all her idols and becoming friends with her but in the last 50 chapters I was interested more in the developement of the characters than in abything else. Seriously I would love to read a sequal maybe about her daughter So-Ra (she sounded so cute *~*).
          I really love your writing and I want ro encourage you with your future stories!
          I have a last question: Did you think of all the song lyrics by yourself? They were awesome though sometimes I was confused as to where you wrote the lyrics and where you showed her own thoughtd about them.
          Hwaiting! :=)


@Mi-chan3005  Thank you so, so, so, sooooo much for that. You really don't know how much comments like this give me life, and pride in my work. It makes it all worth it when i hear that people love it. (But please try to get some sleep, too!).
            As for the "songs", yes, I wrote them. Any song it says that Mel/Minsung/Queen Be wrote, then I explicitly wrote it for this story. It's a long, hard process, believe me, but I think it really contributed to the story.
            Once again, thank you! <3 <3 <3


Hi! First, I just want to say that I love your story 'Finding the Right Words'! It's amazing! But, there's a problem. I've come across two chapters where the chapter isn't there. Now, I'm around, chapter 90 and I think that one and the rest after that are all the same.
          There isn't anything and it's just the title before going to the next one. I don't know if my app is being glitchy but I just thought I'd let you know. I'll try to look at the story on my computer instead of the app, but I just thought I'd say something, incase it wasn't just the app. Anyways, your story is amazing and so believable! Like, almost like Queen Be really exists and this is her story! I've never read a story that's made this impact on me so I'm just amazed! 


@angienoemy  thank you soooooo much for reading it! I'm really happy that you love the story so much. I honestly don't know what to tell you about the chapters not coming up, though. I don't have a smartphone or anything, so I always look at Wattpad on my computer. It appears to be working just fine from my computer, but I couldn't tell you if it's something wrong with the app, since i don't have the app... if you try it on your computer and are still having problems, please tell me, and I'll see if I can do anything. I want you to be able to read every chapter. :D


Alright, if you go to your "my works" under the drop-down, you should be able to find the title of the story/chapter that you already have updated. On the right, there should be an option that says "add chapter". If you want to edit chapters that you already have, there's an option to the right of the individual chapter that says "edit". I hope that helped. :)


Don't worry about asking me. I'm totally okay with helping. :)
          On the other hand, I'm not sure about the problem... I think I might have had it before, but I'm not 100% sure. I would go to your pages and copy them, just in case, then refresh the page. If they're still not readable, the only thing I can think of would be to copy your stuff, then erase the chapter, then re-post it, with the old writing. Does that make since? I think I had that problem once. The only other thing I can think of is that you might not have hit publish, which is absurd considering you were able to update the first 13... but that's all I can think of. I hope I helped... :/