
I've been feeling a bit sick lately. I haven't been able to eat easily and I have constant migraines. I hope you guys don't mind I won't have art posted for a little while ^^"


@phossil Hello! I am new to your account, but I just wanted to say that I hope that you feel better soon.


Are you okay you haven’t been on wattpad for awhile? We all miss you <3 Hope your doing well


Oh nooo!! Thanks for letting me know. How did you find out though?


            I just found out what happened. Long story short, she left the internet for good 


            Mhmm.. I hope she's doing well. 


          I'm the Globglogabgalab
          I love books
          And this basement is a true treasure trove
          I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
          The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
          I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind
          I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab
          Oooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid
          Simply delicious
          Ooooohm, ha haa ha ha
          I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
          The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
          I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind
          I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab


Is it okay if I draw one of your OCs and post it on my art account? I'll tag you!


@phossil I don't want to be bother but um do you have that full body sketch? If you don't it's fine I can even call the thing off if necessary


            Lol none at all hun


@phossil thank you! I hope I'm not causing you any trouble!


Have you ever wanted to take a 25 pund piece of cheese home to your mother from Europe and your husband said you weren't allowed to take it because he would have to pay more because the weight limit was 60 pounds, so you wrapped it in a blanket and put a bonnet on it and pretended it was a baby because you thought babies flew free on flights, but then the stewertess said that you had to pay for babies on over- sea flights and during all of that, there was a lady next to you who also had a baby and she thought the cheese was a real baby and your husband walked by and you said hi to him and the lady said the could sit somewhere else so that your husband could sit next to you, but he said he wasn't the father of that thing and the lady got confused and then in the night, you over to your friend who was a few rows away and said that you two had to eat the cheese because you didn't want to
           pay for it and then you are it and then you went back to your seat and the lady next to you woke up and asked where your baby was and you said that you never had a baby and that it was actually a big cillander of cheese and then she freaked out and screamed for the stewertess because she thought you had done something to the baby and when you got off the plane everybody had to go down to the police station and you had to try to explain that it was just a piece of cheese with a bonnet?


            I never thought of that :0
            That's quite a bit of cheese