
I've been feeling a bit sick lately. I haven't been able to eat easily and I have constant migraines. I hope you guys don't mind I won't have art posted for a little while ^^"


@phossil Hello! I am new to your account, but I just wanted to say that I hope that you feel better soon.


Are you okay you haven’t been on wattpad for awhile? We all miss you <3 Hope your doing well


Oh nooo!! Thanks for letting me know. How did you find out though?


            I just found out what happened. Long story short, she left the internet for good 


            Mhmm.. I hope she's doing well. 


          I'm the Globglogabgalab
          I love books
          And this basement is a true treasure trove
          I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
          The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
          I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind
          I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab
          Oooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid
          Simply delicious
          Ooooohm, ha haa ha ha
          I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
          The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
          I'm full of shwibbly glib-a-kind
          I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
          Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
          Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab