I kinda have social anxiety too, and its because i dont really like to talk to ppl much too, and it usually depends if im feeling how i feel. Sometimes ill be nervous or ill.be perfectly calm. I would maybe sometimes just pratice what you have to say and i think taking deep breaths will really help if ur are really nervous. Some anxiety stories of mine is when i was in the third grade my teacher was like "somwbody made bad grades in all of their computer assignments and we are not going to lunch after they show who the person is" and u may have guessed that was me and i was crazy scared and my heart was beating like crazy cuz o didnt want ppl to know it was me. So other ppl thought it was them so they stand up and and said it was not them ans it was taking longer to go lunch. I finally said it was me and we went to lunch and i was crying. I feel like that was really scarring in someway that made me have social anxiety sometimes u know. And this was kinda recent when i was a freshman i had to present my project and when i was talking you can tell that was nervous and the weird part is that not all the time i feel neevous when i present something and im can be shy so i dont have friends in some of my class but i do have a bunch of friends that i get along perfectly. Sorry this was probably too long i hope i help and i just wanted to tell u my side of social anxiety