
          	Hello to you too! Whatels got me curious about this place. i haven't had much time to spend here though. I will check out some of your work soon.
          	This place seems abit more user friendly than LiveJournal.


          I can see that you are passionate about this webpage. It know there will be lots here to keep me busy! I have been interested in fanfics for awhile, but I hate to sit and read so much at my computer. I do it almost all day at work, and then at home while reading and writing in blogland.
          (I need to get out more!) 
          I actually took my Net book to bed with me to read one night. That was better but a bit weird. Luckily my husband was asleep as I doubt if he would have been impressed! :)
          I am not really sure how to navigate here.
          Could you send me some links?


*does happy dance* (for future reference if you had hit reply on my comment I would have gotten an email) it's been awhile too since I've posted! It's so lovely to visit JS that's what makes fanfiction satisfying for those minor characters!