
What if has officially been updated! New Author's note! Make sure to leave comments! 


Author update; I'm finally writing :D Ngl, been going through mental exhaustion, light bullying and lack of sleep. but I'm finally starting to get some writer's clarity in my head. Hoping to have more out to you soon. Thank you for supporting, voting, reading and sharing. See you soon <3


Update time! (Sorry no chapter) So I've been without internet the last few days which left me and all my devices in no man's land, but I'm finally back online and can get back to work. 
          I've been catching up on all things content creation, so once that's done then I'll have a new chapter. 
          As always, thank you for your support and your patience, who knew writing a book (and keeping up with it) would be so hard? I blame my ADHD. 


Hello all!
          I just wanted to come in and update y'all, the next chapter is about 85% written, however I've been dealing with some family stuff so it's taking me longer to get it out cuz my free time is split between that, my other content creation and music stuff. 
          It is however, very close to being out! So don't worry, I'm still working behind the scenes. 
          Hope y'all been good, taking care of your mental and your physical health. 
          With love <3


Hello lovers and readers alike! I will not be doing this often (at all) but I wanted to extend an invite into my writing process. I'll be live between Twitch and TikTok today (@ 2pm MST) while I work on the next chapter! So if you want to tap in and chat with me, or get a sneak peak of what's happening next, then you can find me on both platforms under this same username!