
follow me on instagram ^^ personal account : sunisaxx       EXO'S fanpage account is : exo___facts


Anyeong piglet8899!!! ♥ I'm kaushi.....  I really love your story,  "LIVING WITH EXO "!!! That's wow!!!   2.k fans waiting for your story...  when you have any free time please continue it.... We'll be waiting for your story... And We really love your story....(ps: kaiz character is amazing..)  Thank you very much... ♥♥♥♥


Annyeong piglet8899, my name is Sakurachan18. I recently read your story " Living with EXO". It was solo good!!! Please continue it!! Oh, I almost forgot, could you add some cheesyness and romanticness in your story? I would appreciate that!!! Please don't end it so fast!! My kokoro can't take that!!!! I hope you succeed in the near future!!! Saranghe and Fighting!!! ~~( *×* )~~


@Sakura-chan18 awwww thank you for reading my story. N yes i will try to make it more cheesy and romantic, but im very bad at it thooo hahahah. Kamsaaaa chingu~~~♡♡♡♡♡