
Hello, this is pikanochuu. So let's just get to the point here: I stole someone's story.
          	The fanfic 'Fool' wasn't mine.
          	It wasn't my intention at first as I was writing the whole story, it was completely different. But then I found other's story and I thought that the story is interesting. Without realizing, I completely took everything into the story and published it without thinking after my friends said that the story was good. It was very immature and it's shameful that I did this to myself, and mainly, to the author that originally made the story. I hope others also don't do this horrible action that I did.
          	To the author and all of my readers, I'm very ashamed of myself and then again, I am really sorry for doing this.
          	Halo, ini pikanochuu. Langsung aja ke intinya: Aku nyuri karya orang lain.
          	Fanfic 'Fool' itu bukan punyaku.
          	Awalnya aku sama sekali ga ada niat buat ngelakuin itu waktu aku nulis semua ceritanya, seluruhnya beda. Tapi aku nemu cerita milik author lain dan kupikir rasanya ceritanya bagus. Tanpa sadar, aku sepenuhnya ngambil semua ceritanya dan nge-publish tanpa mikir sekalipun setelah temanku bilang kalo ceritanya bagus. Kejadian ini bener bener kekanak-kanakan dan aku bener-bener malu sama perbuatan aku ini karena udah ngelakuin ini pada diri aku sendiri dan tentunya, buat author aslinya. Kuharap yang lain sama sekali ga ngelakuin hal buruk yang aku lakuin ini.
          	Untuk author dan semua pembacaku, aku bener-bener malu. Maaf.


Hello, this is pikanochuu. So let's just get to the point here: I stole someone's story.
          The fanfic 'Fool' wasn't mine.
          It wasn't my intention at first as I was writing the whole story, it was completely different. But then I found other's story and I thought that the story is interesting. Without realizing, I completely took everything into the story and published it without thinking after my friends said that the story was good. It was very immature and it's shameful that I did this to myself, and mainly, to the author that originally made the story. I hope others also don't do this horrible action that I did.
          To the author and all of my readers, I'm very ashamed of myself and then again, I am really sorry for doing this.
          Halo, ini pikanochuu. Langsung aja ke intinya: Aku nyuri karya orang lain.
          Fanfic 'Fool' itu bukan punyaku.
          Awalnya aku sama sekali ga ada niat buat ngelakuin itu waktu aku nulis semua ceritanya, seluruhnya beda. Tapi aku nemu cerita milik author lain dan kupikir rasanya ceritanya bagus. Tanpa sadar, aku sepenuhnya ngambil semua ceritanya dan nge-publish tanpa mikir sekalipun setelah temanku bilang kalo ceritanya bagus. Kejadian ini bener bener kekanak-kanakan dan aku bener-bener malu sama perbuatan aku ini karena udah ngelakuin ini pada diri aku sendiri dan tentunya, buat author aslinya. Kuharap yang lain sama sekali ga ngelakuin hal buruk yang aku lakuin ini.
          Untuk author dan semua pembacaku, aku bener-bener malu. Maaf.