
Hello! I was wondering if you have time and would mind checking out my fantasy story, The Dandelion System. I’d love to hear your opinion on it, if you don’t mind. If you are busy or if it’s not your cup of tea, I understand and have a nice day nonetheless.


hey whylea! sorry that i’m replying to this so much later than u sent it. i haven’t been on here much but i’ll definitely check it out as soon as i have the time. thanks for recommending your story to me! :))


Hey @fallendowncrazy Idk if you take reading requests but would you mind reading my romance story 'Fragile Bird'? I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and maybe vote and give me some feedback on my writing. 
          Btw, your bio is so cute! Lol 
          Thanks and have a great day! (:


Aww thanks! And sure I'll check it out