
* ╱╱  consider this a soft comeback !  comment below && specify the mood or any ideas you have !!!


⁄          vi getting the apology she deserves maybe....


she's changing,  cait—   you have to trust me ..  let me try getting through to her,  /please./


ID.  @bloodfists 
            i don't forget .  i can't .  i know that you want to save your sister ,  but she's gone .  she / has / to be ,  or else you will continue to mourn && grow stir crazy waiting .  i'll let you visit ,  but what happens after . . .  don't expect high strides .


she did all of that,  and still swooped in to try and be your hero,  no?  or are you forgetting everything that took place already?    [    a sigh,  and she'd turn away for a moment,  arms crossing over the frame of her chest,  broad shoulders suddenly slumping in defeat.    ]    i'm the reason she's the way that she is ..  i just—  i want to fix everything,  cait,  i ..   i want powder back,  i know she's still in there,  i  / know /  my own sister.


ID.  @bloodfists 
            she is perfectly safe in stillwater .  she won't be hurting anyone anymore ,  much less me .  && i can't take that chance ,  violet .  she blew up the council ,  among many other crimes tallied against piltover .  she remains there .


* ╱╱  consider this a soft comeback !  comment below && specify the mood or any ideas you have !!!


⁄          vi getting the apology she deserves maybe....


* ╱╱  :))))  cb && spec


(   plssss  curious  !!  ) 


*  /      jumps up and down!!  secretive or annoyed pls  <3


  quiet steps approach the purple hair girl. He sits in front of her , not a word is said for a Mayne a minute or two while he clean his sword and his firearm , wich he puts aside. His body and his face  screamed lack of sleep but the war was practically raining above them by now , there wasn't much time left , he knew it.
             " I'm sorry — about what happened ... " his voice sounded tired , broken even. He let's a sigh , finally looking up from his stuff , his gaze sets on the Cait , and his eyes softened , the white outfit wasn't so white anymore , he takes off his leather gloves and puts them aside. 
            " Cait — the battle that's comming ... is gonna be a hard one and I wanted to fix the things between us , in case the worst — you know " 


ID.  @zaunbats 
            ❝  NEW TOMORROW .  A BETTER TOMORROW .  ONE THAT WILL HAPPEN SHOULD WE SURVIVE THE FIGHT TO COME .  ❞  caitlyn remarked with a small smile ,  clasping the others' forearm with a nod .  there was a part of her that was nervous ,  a part that worried for her people && worried for those she cared about .  she knew that below was her tactical gear ,  that even still her hextech rifle was locked away .  she was growing weary && paranoid .  


ID.  @zaunbats
            ❝  IN CASE OF THE WORST .  ❞  caitlyn repeated ,  cleaning her rifle with careful precision .  her hands aren't shaking && if anything her resolve is bolstered .  she knew what had to be done ,  what was needed in order to turn the tide in the coming fight .  a shot to ambessa ,  then stop the army with an explosion or two .  that will have to be enough .  she cocked her rifle ,  before azure eyes finally focus on the man in front of her .  
            her face was set ,  before she gave a nod .  that was the entent of her acknowledgement ,  her forgiveness .  laser-focus was all she could do .  focus meant the least amount of people die && the less children she had to bury .
            ❝  THANK YOU ,  EZRA ,  FOR JOINING THE FIGHT .  ❞


* ╱╱  
          □ -  one liner
          ■ -  starter
          € - league of legends
          £ - arcane ( Please Specify Season && Act )
          ¥ - modern day
          ₩ - other ( Please Specify )
          i. mix of two or more ( Please Specify )
          ii. introductory / formal
          iii. happy / cordial
          iv. angry / spiteful
          v. sad / malcontent
          vi. flirty / romantic
          1. kiramman manor
          2. council chambers
          3. bar
          4. undercity streets
          5. other location ( Please Specify )


            ■ - £ s2 act 2 :) -  v or iv  - 1 or 4


*     uhh  one  liner,    €,    iii,   and  maybe  1  or  3  ig


@piltcversprcmise * •, £ ( season two pwease ), a mix of maybe v & iv, 4, idk
            i want them on da run with their messy feelings :(


run !  you  need  to  run ! (    maddie’s  shaking  so  much  she’s  barely  able  to  turn  around  to  face  caitlyn,  let  alone  open  her  mouth  to  shout  at  the  other  woman.  her  ears  still  rung  from  ambessa’s  angry  and  pained  roar,  and  she  doesn’t  have  to  turn  her  head  to  imagine  her  angry  expression,  eyes  wide  and  ferocious  and  not  too  different  than  that  of  a  wild  animal.  maddie’s  shot  would  wound  her  sure,  but  it  wouldn’t  kill  her,  it’d  probably  only  slow  her  down  a  little  bit.  it’d  been  a  poor  one,  messy  and  quick  and  a  spur  of  the  moment  decision,  and  even  if  it  had  been  perfectly aimed ,  the  redhead  didn’t  doubt  the  dictator  would  need  at  least  thirteen  bullets  through  her  head  before  she  finally  stopped  fighting.  maddie  still  wasn’t  fully  sure   /  why  /   she’d  done  it,  one  minute  she  was  ready  to  finally  take  the  next  step,  to  finally  finish  the  job,  the  whole  reason  she’d  been  sent  to  piltover  in  the  first  place  but  her  brain  had  fogged  up  with  visions  of  late  nights  in  her  bedroom  and  the  way  caitlyn’s  hands  felt  in  her  hair  and  suddenly  her  gun  was  pointed  at  ambessa  and  not  the  back  of  caitlyn’s  head    )  /  now   /  caitlyn !  you  need  to  run  now !
          *  the maddie betrays ambessa au that’s cannon to me :(


this message may be offensive
ID :  ( @piltcversprcmise )
            (    maddie  couldn’t  hold  back  the  strangled  mix  of  a  gasp  and  a  sob  as  she  stumbles  after  caitlyn.  she’s  not  sure  what  else  to  do,  she  can’t  follow  the 
            other  enforcers,  not  after  they  watched 
            her  join  up  with  the  noxians,  and  she  definitely  can’t  stay  behind  with  ambessa  and  risk  having  her  skull 
            bashed  in.  she  doesn’t  even  care  if 
            caitlyn  beats  the  shit  out  of  her  later,  she  just  clings  to  her,  the  idea  of  her,  like  it’s  her  last  saving  grace.  her  legs  are  shaking  so  bad  she’s  surprised  she  hasn’t  collapsed  already,  her  gun  fell  from  her  hands  at  some  point,  she’s  not  sure  when,  but  her  hands  are  too  shaky 
            and  sweaty  so  she’s  honestly  not 
            surprised.  her  eyes  are  blurry  from 
            unshed  tears  and  she’s  barely  able  to 
            make  out  caitlyn’s  figure  in  front  of  her,  but  it’s  clear  enough  to  keep  her 
            running  after  it    )


ID.  @junoroffcer 
            *  caitlyn would process the betrayal later ,  instead fueled by survival .  chaos would rain down after this instant ,  with mel rushing from the doors && noxian guards losing focus in the aftermath .  it was practically hell ,  running for her life even as her lungs ached in protest && her head ached from the butt of maddie's gun .  she was / alive / but how long that would last she didn't know .  she could hear through semi-ringing ears the sound of explosions from above && within the sanctum but she had to continue on .  *


* ╱╱  eyepatch && black turtleneck save me ,,  ponytail save me ,,  


* ╱╱  the way cait never apologizes to vi gets on my nerves ,,  don't get me started on jinx 


* ╱╱  Muse is incredibly accurate let's get literate ,,


" you wanted to meet ... ? I'm here — but the mask stays on — now tell me , what is it that you want ...  " 
          ** dropping this for free cause why not


ID.  @zaunbats 
            i will see you then .  i have to make myself scarce now .  thank you for meeting with me && hearing out my proposition .


                " the piltovan government is what worries you ... ? whatever — don't worry , no one is going to see me ... "


ID.  @zaunbats 
            do make sure it's a place no where near the council or base enforcers .  i cannot risk the negative exposure of piltovan government .  the people above are already scared .  you do not know what a help this is .  / thank you / .