she's changing, cait— you have to trust me .. let me try getting through to her, /please./
ID. @bloodfists i don't forget . i can't . i know that you want to save your sister , but she's gone . she / has / to be , or else you will continue to mourn && grow stir crazy waiting . i'll let you visit , but what happens after . . . don't expect high strides .
she did all of that, and still swooped in to try and be your hero, no? or are you forgetting everything that took place already? [ a sigh, and she'd turn away for a moment, arms crossing over the frame of her chest, broad shoulders suddenly slumping in defeat. ] i'm the reason she's the way that she is .. i just— i want to fix everything, cait, i .. i want powder back, i know she's still in there, i / know / my own sister.
ID. @bloodfists she is perfectly safe in stillwater . she won't be hurting anyone anymore , much less me . && i can't take that chance , violet . she blew up the council , among many other crimes tallied against piltover . she remains there .