Hey y’all! It’s been a while since there was a “Light” update, and I’m ready to explain why! Honestly? I just wasn’t happy with the book and how it was going. At this time, The Light is on hold until I can figure out where I want to go with it, and if I even want to take it anywhere. I was not at all pleased with how the book was writing, and I kept losing inspiration because of this. The Void did so well and was read by way more people than I would have EVER imagined! Because of this, I don’t want to offer anyone a half assed sequel. If I do decide to re-start a sequel to The Void, The Light will be completely rewritten and renamed. As always, I thank all of y’all so much for reading and loving my book! Keep your eye out for a fun announcement coming soon! Xo - E. E. Fritscher.
@pine_applelifestyles I really hope you're doing ok. I'd love to see how you're sequel is coming. Have you started it already, or are you just going with the flow for right now. I really loved your story. I hope to see another one of your stories.