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Hello everyone! ♡ Long time no see ^_^ The truth is, ive been recovering and reflecting a lot of things lately. I realized that i was too focused on the past. I couldnt move on. And it haunts me everytime. This acc is just a mess. My past regret and mistakes are all here. I cant look at this acc without feeling ashamed and guilty of myself. I know that u guys probably think that i shouldnt think abt it too much, but i just- Cant. I kept saying that i would become better. I even changed my username a few times. But its still the same. They r all failures. It is not okay for me. So therefore, im leaving this acc. More like move actually- Im gonna move to another acc. But i wont tell u the username. U can find it if u want :) A few ppl probably know that acc. It used to be my second acc (where i usually rant) but i changed it. Yes, i changed the username too. Im starting from zero. And its for real cuz reality taught me hard abt this thing called "life"- Thank you for still keeping up with me. Even if my past self sucks. However, those awful memories made me who i am today. The me whos more mature and strong :> Seriously, thank you so much. Maybe we can meet again if youve found my new acc XD I learned so much. No matter how much i hate this acc, its still a part of me. Without it, this Rusheok wont exist. Again, thank you so much. I love u ♡ Goodbye. Also happy advanced new year! Lets stay strong in 2021 too, shall we? >__< ☆ - Rushie~! ♡
@pinguhyuka- I love you to it's been amazing you are very swag stay strong have a great new year! ❤️
@pinguhyuka- glad to know you're bein strong. Keep fightin boo, love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
you bitch, idk where to reply jxbshxhs
ily bae
Hello everyone! ♡ Long time no see ^_^ The truth is, ive been recovering and reflecting a lot of things lately. I realized that i was too focused on the past. I couldnt move on. And it haunts me everytime. This acc is just a mess. My past regret and mistakes are all here. I cant look at this acc without feeling ashamed and guilty of myself. I know that u guys probably think that i shouldnt think abt it too much, but i just- Cant. I kept saying that i would become better. I even changed my username a few times. But its still the same. They r all failures. It is not okay for me. So therefore, im leaving this acc. More like move actually- Im gonna move to another acc. But i wont tell u the username. U can find it if u want :) A few ppl probably know that acc. It used to be my second acc (where i usually rant) but i changed it. Yes, i changed the username too. Im starting from zero. And its for real cuz reality taught me hard abt this thing called "life"- Thank you for still keeping up with me. Even if my past self sucks. However, those awful memories made me who i am today. The me whos more mature and strong :> Seriously, thank you so much. Maybe we can meet again if youve found my new acc XD I learned so much. No matter how much i hate this acc, its still a part of me. Without it, this Rusheok wont exist. Again, thank you so much. I love u ♡ Goodbye. Also happy advanced new year! Lets stay strong in 2021 too, shall we? >__< ☆ - Rushie~! ♡
@pinguhyuka- I love you to it's been amazing you are very swag stay strong have a great new year! ❤️
@pinguhyuka- glad to know you're bein strong. Keep fightin boo, love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i haven 't checked up on you in a bit bUT HRU RUSHY ??
*hands lovies* >< ♡
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