
Back to Wattpad. So long... #TambayMode


Gosh!!!Guess what. Lucky day (November 12, 2014). JAD and I are wearing tops with the same pattern. LOL. Black and white striped tops. Love. Love. We went to our college together, too. Little conversations yet sweet sensations. I just wish everyday would be like that. One sis of ours said to me that we look cute together because of that. HAHA - HAPPINESS. :)


'What I thought'
          Proud 'one' here. They did it. Hurray! :D
          I got them. Gosh! In pain,  but on the brighter side, at least I have less worries. It's just that JAD didn't come. I thought he would come. Expectations... assumptions... Geez... I'm hoping for a joint one.