
I have a question… why do y’all think adding “rape” to your stories is way of “spicing” it up why are we trying to normalize rape in every book? especially the urban books? people use books as a way of escapism so why does trauma bonding have to be apart of every story? :/ just a question 


I have a question… why do y’all think adding “rape” to your stories is way of “spicing” it up why are we trying to normalize rape in every book? especially the urban books? people use books as a way of escapism so why does trauma bonding have to be apart of every story? :/ just a question 


I don’t really be on this status stuff but for black history month can y’all authors PLEASE switch the stories up, every urban story plot is; “I grew up in the hood, my dad (or step dad) been raping me since I was 9, my momma a crack head, i’m gonna go date this drug dealer that won’t treat me right but i’m gonna stick thru the b.s so I can get two kids and a benz by the end of this book”...... like come tf on mane 


so i have two stories that i started and i kinda need a writer to finish them... i have them all planned out and i know how i want it... those are the terms we use my ideas if you don't like them you can suggest and if i saw no... then i guess that's it, but my ideas are pretty good im just not a writer by nature so if you're interested, inbox me? you get half the credit and author privileges or w.e but yeah