Hey so today is your birthday!!! And I know that cuz I’m an “amazing” sister!!! I know I already drew you a Chibi Jimin, but I thought, why not do some more!!! So I have conducted a short thingy magig for you!!! Today is a special day. And NOT TODAY will be ruined. First off all, I just wanna say that you are a pretty DOPE and that I NEED U in my life, you are an amazing friend/sister and will forever be!! With you, I feel like I’ll be YOUNG FOREVER. You even bring this FIRE in my hear when I’m with you. It’s awesome how we are related with the same DNA. I hope you like this message of mine. My BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS were poured into thinking of this. Enough of mentioning my hard work, back to why you are awesome!!! When I’m in DANGER, you’ll be there for me and SAVE ME (if you’re in a good mood). Well, even if you aren’t, I know that you won’t RUN away. You also remind me of a BUTTERFLY. Beautiful yet can be deadly. Boy, you sure are scary when you’re mad... speaking of boys, if there is a BOY IN LUV with me, you’ll protect me. Right???.... Uhhh.. Well sorry to cut this short, but I need to GO GO. *MIC DROP* ——— Yeah....that really sucked, sorry. Meh. Happy Birthday!!!!~~❤️❤️

Oh course I will protect you. If a guy breaks your heart, I'll *pew pew*! Thank you!!

Shoot!!! Now that I’m rereading this, I forgot to check for spelling error!!!! heart* not hear Ok. I think that’s it. Yeah. Phew~