I really don't mean to offend youul when I say this.
But this is just a suggestion.
You have no reason to listen, I'm just giving you advice.
The fact that you have a religion,
And that you love your god is great.
But not everyone on here, or in the world for that matter,
Feel the same way.
Some of us are not religious,
And we would dearly appreciate it if you would not attempt to shove your religion down our throats, and call us all sinners.
So if you could please refrain,
From broadcasting your religion in such an aggressive way,
I am sure you would get all those followers you crave.
Thank you.
You probably won't listen to this,
In fact
You'll probably think I'm rude and satanic.
But I'm Agnostic.
And I thought I'd give you my thoughts.
So that's it.