
Hi guys, idk who should I discuss this with. Incestous suddenly disappeared like it was deleted but I didn't delete it at all. I was planning on starting it... I dun even know when it's gone... Why does it happen? Idk the cause. Can someone give me an idea of to why my book is gone? 


@pinkheartjams maybe u can changed the title and hashtage  but same story line, 


@pinkheartjams so sorry to hear that, author :'(


@phfoniey yes. One book's gone without my notice. There wasn't any update about it too. 


Hey author
          I unexpectedly stumbled upon a story with a similar patter of your book "The midnight affair" and as it was a favorite of mine I thought to read the similar book and that turned out to be a copy of yours.
          She just copied your book line by line if you read it, and even an author pointed it out and she denied it.
          The name of the book is "Mistress of his heart", and it is just your book. 


Hello author , I have seen someone book posting your books  by mixing tamed and midnight affair.
          The book name is mistress of his heart 


@FaiselKhan4 I am so glad that you had the guts to point it out here in the owners page.
            Even I saw the book and immediately came here and saw your comment, even another author who had the guts pointed her out there it self but she (that author) denied that.


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hi i really love your stories its just my fav so much, i felt so confused what to read other wattpad stories expect urs since the way you wrote and ur typing is just how i rlly like and the way you make the guy’s character typing is just rlly my type, i was wondering why arent you updating anymore? i hope youre okay and i hope you comeback and write another romance stories. If you comeback i’d love to request. My request is can you make another affair story? but the male cheated too. But i want you to make happy ending that the woman who got cheated getting back with the guy who is cheating on her. Kinda similiar as Midnight Affair but i want this to be kinda different. I hope you read this. :3