
I’m not sure if people are waiting for more writings but this is her boyfriend and she has recently passed away 2 months ago. Im sorry if people were waiting


@pinkhoneybee_  I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm sending my greatest prayers to her family friends and you, please take care of her family while you can...


Numpang ya, kalo ganggu hapus aja
          Halo, butuh cover atau ilustrasi atau cast untuk cerita mu? Yuk sini merapat! 2 cover/gambar cuma 5k pulsa/saldo Dana/shopee Pay! Bisa request tema, outfit, dan pose karakter^^ Chat WA dibawah ini kalo kamu mau lihat contoh gambarnya dulu^^  Menerima pembuatan cover fanfiction anime atau Webtoon apapun!  -Naruhina -Sasuhina -Narusaku -Sasusaku -Borusara/Borusumi -Narufemsasu  -Sasufemnaru  -Gaahina  -Nejihina  -Tonehina -Pair lainnya, baik di anime Naruto maupun pair di anime lain (kecuali pasangan homo tapi kalo bromance boleh) -pair dari Webtoon apapun  -Cover/cast/ilustrasi karakter solo.  
          Chat WA ini bagi yang tertarik ( 083861358263 )  2 cover cuma 5k.  Chat dulu sekedar untuk tanya-tanya juga boleh^^


I’m not sure if people are waiting for more writings but this is her boyfriend and she has recently passed away 2 months ago. Im sorry if people were waiting


@pinkhoneybee_  I'm so sorry for your loss, and I'm sending my greatest prayers to her family friends and you, please take care of her family while you can...


hi! if i may ask, where are your mother reader naruto book? thank u :)


ooh, no wonder. im quite surprised. dont worry, i understand your reason. hope you start publishing the re write soon, just take your time! :D


I want to re-write it since I found new tools to help my writing be more “clean” looking  and not over the place, I felt like my write was everywhere for that book as well on top of that I wanted to take my time with each “child” character, I hope everyone understands don’t worry I’m working on a new one hopefully everyone will like this one  more 


Hello everyone,
          I’m coming out with a few test books to see if you little bees  are interested in them, I like to know some feedback on the books like; 
          Does it make you want more ?
          The story line makes senses? 
          Is it to much detail or not enough? 
          You know those things it was fun writing them and stuff but I didn’t go to far with them so 
          Let me know what you little bees think. 
          With love 


Hello everyone,  
          I’m going to take a break from uploading/ publishing for awhile, I’m going to finish up
           ‘Naruto daughter scenarios’ and maybe rewrite it as while (don’t worry I’ll keep the original one up ) as while make/ write a few more chapters towards the ones I have up and start on ones I planed on uploading/publishing (a couple will be for more mature readers) and would love some recommendations on some Anime or television series I can write about/watch and maybe make some Fan-fiction about or recommend some other fan-fictions to read to get some ideas I can play around with and improve my writing. 
          Thanks for understanding 
          Get it I write in emoji lol