
Hi, I am here to take a few minutes of you day, for swedish class this semester (yes, I’m from sweden), we’re reading Johanna Thydell’s ‘I taket lyser stjärnorna’ (in the ceiling the stars are shining). Which is about 13 year old Jenna Wilsson, of whom’s mother is sick with breast cancer, and has been for eight years (this book was published in 2003 when the current treatment for breast cancer was yet to be created). And is it was pretty called for Liv, the mother, dies. And the way the author put it was just so blunt, yet very beautiful, it had its own chapter and all; “It’s happened now. Mom is dead.” (Chapter 49, page 182). And it really hit all the feelings needed and everything was sculpted well, because one thing that destroys a character death is over describing the funeral, and she didn’t. There’s a good ten chapters worth if crying in this stupid book and I might just have to buy myself a copy, because it’s so good. Sorry for disturbing you, I just really think this book has such an amazing message. Now go on with you day


Who's in your pfp




Hi, I am here to take a few minutes of you day, for swedish class this semester (yes, I’m from sweden), we’re reading Johanna Thydell’s ‘I taket lyser stjärnorna’ (in the ceiling the stars are shining). Which is about 13 year old Jenna Wilsson, of whom’s mother is sick with breast cancer, and has been for eight years (this book was published in 2003 when the current treatment for breast cancer was yet to be created). And is it was pretty called for Liv, the mother, dies. And the way the author put it was just so blunt, yet very beautiful, it had its own chapter and all; “It’s happened now. Mom is dead.” (Chapter 49, page 182). And it really hit all the feelings needed and everything was sculpted well, because one thing that destroys a character death is over describing the funeral, and she didn’t. There’s a good ten chapters worth if crying in this stupid book and I might just have to buy myself a copy, because it’s so good. Sorry for disturbing you, I just really think this book has such an amazing message. Now go on with you day


Lol my dragon name acc ton ur bio is Iane Lot


Should I write a story?? I’m thinking of maybe doing a one shot book? Any other ideas?


@httpsemma131 Hii, it’s on it’s way! I literally just finished the cover and I’m on way to start writing the first chapter, which will be Rikey. Would it be okay if I gave you shoutout?