I love to write, hangout with friends and I love the show power rangers still
  • انضمAugust 17, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
pinkrangerLilianna pinkrangerLilianna Jan 17, 2017 09:29PM
Just do everyone know i'm delecting this account soon and i'll be on animelover800 from now on.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Liliana pink ranger
The White S.P.D ranger بقلم pinkrangerLilianna
The White S.P.D ranger
What happens when theirs a six ranger and she has a missing brother who both grow up in S.P.D and she wants t...
+4 أكثر
Another Bradley saving the world بقلم pinkrangerLilianna
Another Bradley saving the world
what happens when there a sixth ranger who is the purple ranger and she moved from Blue bay harbor to Briarwo...
samurai storm بقلم pinkrangerLilianna
samurai storm
what happens when Lothor comes back again. This time in Panorama City the samurai rangers have to deal with N...
6 قوائم قراءة