
Hai there cute. Thank you sebab comment dekat chapter tu, maaf sebab dah buang masa awak untuk benda remeh macam tu. I know perasaan pendam and menangis sorang-sorang. But lucky, you can cry, i can't. Maybe sebab saya dah terbiasa pendam sampai masalah tu tak boleh buat saya menangis end up menyakitkan kepala dan hati saya. Anyways, thank you sekali lagi sebab motice. I appreciate that. I love you❤


@beantae hehee welcome . love you too . no sdih ii tau ❤️



Hye! Thanks for following ! Also kalau tak follow lagi tu mind to followback tak ? Hehe sorry kacau btw jemputla
          Kalau korang nak dark romance , crime boleh baca shroud of lie . 
          link :
          Kalau yang minat lawak-lawak bolehla baca the missing of century 
          Kalau suka boleh buh kat library siap-siap! Bye stay safe! stay healthy !