
IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT CLOUDS!!! By far the biggest challenge in writing Wings is imagining how life will be like in 100 years. I keep asking tech people and computerscience and technology people for their input, I have pored over a bunch of articles and listened to podcasts. However, one of the most challenging and  scariest things is just reading how bad the future could get if we don't fix the global warming problem. I have read several articles this morning, and am sure I will address that in Wings.


IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT CLOUDS!!! By far the biggest challenge in writing Wings is imagining how life will be like in 100 years. I keep asking tech people and computerscience and technology people for their input, I have pored over a bunch of articles and listened to podcasts. However, one of the most challenging and  scariest things is just reading how bad the future could get if we don't fix the global warming problem. I have read several articles this morning, and am sure I will address that in Wings.


Hi all. I am in the process of doing the graphics for my cast. I have thought about this for a while but I can't find a picture if a blonde nerd who matches what I think David should look like. I find either too handsome or altogether too unappealing. Where are the sweet nice nerds that fall inbetween?? Also, please don't hate me but I don't think you guys will like my pick for Alex... stay tuned.


I write "Wings for the Night" mostly in response to everything that I see on the news. As of Nov 20th, 2018 one of the deadliest wildfires in California history has claimed more than 58 lives. My premise is, what if the power to save the world doesn't rest in only a handful of supernatural (or rich or influential) beings but in the countless hands of ordinary people like you and me?