          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Chapter 67 - Dogs in the Fight is now available.
          Experience the Miyagi-Dos and the Cobra Kais doing their best in the events of Sekai Taikai while Ben faces a lot of things about Iron Dragons. 
          Please enjoy the story.

          Chapter 57 - Church Youth Camp is now available in Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley.
          It is a bit shorter but it is full of music and biblical things about Ben, Sam, Tory and the others about praising the Lord as always.
          It is a Cobra Kai X A Week Away Chapter. 
          Enjoy reading this. 

          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Chapter 56 - Meeting Old Friends and Relatives is now available.
          It includes the reunion of Ben and Sabine plus Sabine and Mika rejoining Miyagi-Do in this Arc Story for the Sekai Taikai in Season 6.
          Enjoy reading it.
