
Sometime between now and this time next week I will have new chapters up on both of my fics. I'm going to start writing as soon as I'm done studying for my Academic Super Bowl meet. I promise new content will be available ASAP! (And no, Miles and Alya: A Love Story isn't over, I just haven't had time to write a good chapter for it yet)


Sometime between now and this time next week I will have new chapters up on both of my fics. I'm going to start writing as soon as I'm done studying for my Academic Super Bowl meet. I promise new content will be available ASAP! (And no, Miles and Alya: A Love Story isn't over, I just haven't had time to write a good chapter for it yet)


So many of these wonderful backstage fanfics have ended today. Literally crying because I won't have new chapters to look forward to. 


@pipereliza14 Not mine lol mine barely got started but I'm in the process of making a new chapter.


@pipereliza14 i know it is very annoying i love them so much but they all end to uickly