
I stand with Palestine and I pray for the downfall of Israel and it’s supporters. Especially America! We will see a free Palestine!! 


I’m taking this chance (Ao3 being down) to learn what all these fun little number codes mean. Obviously 404 means that whatever it is you’re searching for cannot be found (sometimes cause it doesn’t exist). Everybody knows that lol.
          But I didn’t know that error 429 was the code for too many requests. Or that error 503 meant that the server cannot process your request. Sorry I don’t speak fluent computer, I’m still learning lol. 
          I guess anything really can be a learning experience! The more you know✨


Ao3 is down because they are suffering a DDos attack by… a Muslim hacker group??
          XD idk I probably shouldn’t think this is funny. Like, I write on Ao3 so I’m a little worried. Still the “politically and religiously motivated” hate group is cracking me up. 
          I know not all Muslims originate from India, plenty of them fleeing to other areas like Pakistan during the Great Partition. That and of course, any country you go to will have a Muslim population. Especially countries like The United States of America, Canada, and Germany having the largest Muslim minority groups (I think lol) But it’s just so funny in a terrible way knowing that India is the second largest consumer of Ao3 right after America. 
          Yet here we are. Haters gonna hate I guess.


Saw the flag at half mast a few days ago. I immediately assumed there had been another school shooting. The sad part is that I wasn’t wrong and it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.


@StrawberryAmia I am praying for you and your community. I find it outrageous that this has been the 125th school shooting this year and still no improvements have been made. I myself am a survivor of a school shooting and I am just so disappointed in our country. I truly hope that our government wakes up and starts working hard to solve this problem immediately. Best wishes to you.


i’m pretty sure that it was the one from monday. it was 15 minutes away from me , and my best friends tiny neighbor friends went to the school. 7 died including the shooter. it makes me sick that this is the country that i live in. my best friends neighbors are ok but it hurts my heart to know that there are some people in my community who lost friends, and family 


You know it’s funny. All of my poetry is kinda negative but in real life I am a very energetic and relatively positive person. I wonder if all the people who write happy go lucky poetry are actually depressed and negative in real life… 


@pipsissawea lol, now you got me wondering